AMD Am486 DX2 and Intel Pentium...
Just some new microphotos I took with my new stereo microscope. This time: Two CPUs from the past...
I removed the chip covers by applying a lot of heat with a heatgun (650 °C for a few minutes - I used old tweezers to test the viscosity of the cover solder from time to time and took the cover off, when it was liquid enough).
AMD Am486 DX2-80
Here it is - in all its ceramic beauty.

The golden cover was held in place by lots of solder...

Some details...

The Pentium from Intel... was a little bit easier to "decap" due to less solder. The chip itself is also bigger and higher integrated than the DX2.

And again some details...

I destroyed the wire bonds on one side when I slipped with the tweezers...massive destruction !-)

Hope you enjoyed the colourful impressions of µ-space (no not nanospace...chip structures were not that small in the late 1980s and early 1990s...=-).
greetings noq2