Eterna Sonic Two Tone

Some photos of an incomplete revision of an Eterna Sonic Two Tone watch. I got the watch from a watch fair in almost NOS condition - as the movement was totally clean without any oil residues in the bearings, I assume it must have been lubricated with high quality oil in the past. Thus it just needed some checks here and there and new oil.


I start "in medias res" with a shot of the beautifully finished tuning fork movement - yet another ESA 9162.

With the tuning fork module removed, the wheel train bearings can receive some new oil...

...just as the tuning fork module itself...

...and the calendar and setting mechanisms.

Polishing the crystal

As the plastic crystal had some minor scratches on it, I gave it a polish with sandpaper (grit sizes ascending: 400 -> 600 -> 1000). I did this under water to get a good result.

Picture before a final polish with polyWatch.

Display after polyWatch-based polish - the crystal looks very good again (although the unfavourable artificial light conditions reveal some micro-scratches as you can see in the blue-encircled area =-).

Hands before re-luming.

Finished watch

The movement back in its case.

The Luminova luminous paste under low-light conditions.

The finished watch with a new strap.

greetings noq2
